Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Dig for it! Google is your best friend.

I've never been an awesome coder, I'm more purpose-driven, I learn what I need to to make something I have in mind work. I'm also older and my retention is fading a bit so remembering the how is sometimes fogged by the loss of details.

Google is your best friend.

I'm not going to delve into the ethics and reputation of Alphabet, it's not my concern, but that search engine can be a life saver. That and notes. Electronic notes are some of the hardest to master if you're not one to master routine and protocol.

Why is Google your best friend?

It used to be that you'd need to read and scan a book, or several for technical answers. Now we have blogs like this and resources like Stack Overflow where people can share their knowledge and the people looking for information can find it because of a very capable search engine.

Don't be ashamed of not knowing, it's knowing where to find the answers more than having them all in your head. Though, retention is not overrated. Learn, explore, have a technical adventure but when you're coming up dry...

Google it.

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