So I've been out of the scripting game for a while, left uninspired and unappreciated I did other things, until recently.
I was finally inspired to work on a script that found the disk usage (consumed) and the n give me my top x consumers.
The Script is fairly simple, but I'm still learning so I had to figure things out a bit.
# =================================================================
# Calculates Disk Space Consumed and Top x consumers in path
# (C)opyright 2020 - Cameron Stevens - Please share freely
# =================================================================
if($args.Length -eq 2){
$pathspec = $args[0]
$listLimit = $args[1]
} else {
write-host "Syntax: diskusage path topXcount`n`n$($args.Length)"`
-ForegroundColor "Red"
$largest = @()
# ------------------------------------------------------ Main()
function main {
$largest = @()
$count = 0
foreach($item in $(Get-ChildItem -Path $pathspec -recurse)){
$count ++
$total = $total + $item.Length
$FSize = $item.Length/1024
$FSize = $FSize -as [int64]
$largest += @([pscustomobject]@{`
FileSpec = $item.FullName `
; FileName = $item.Name `
; FileSize = $item.Length `
; FileSizef = "$($FSize.ToString('N0').PadLeft(10)) Mb"})
$totalMb = $total/1024
$totalMb = $totalMb -as [int64]
write-host "DiskUsage: $count files totaling $($totalMb.ToString('N0').PadLeft(10)) Megabytes (Mb).`n`n"
$largest | Sort-Object -Property FileSize -Descending | `
Select-Object -Property FileName, FileSize, FileSizef | `
Select-Object -First $listLimit}
# ======================================================
Main # ----- Let's get this started.
# ====================================================== EOF
So, I cannot promise it's amazing, or even well written, but it's cool. I wrote and tested in using Powershell on Linux, but I'm certain it'll work on Windows too.
Oh, and if you'd prefer a full path to the files change this:
$largest | Sort-Object -Property FileSize -Descending | `
Select-Object -Property FileName, FileSize, FileSizef | `
Select-Object -First $listLimit}
$largest | Sort-Object -Property FileSize -Descending | `Select-Object -Property FileSpec, FileSize, FileSizef | `
Select-Object -First $listLimit}
Giving you this:
Now, you can make this better, perhaps adding command-line parameters, to offer more choices, but let this be inspiration. It was for me.