Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Feeling Regular and the use of Fibre.

No, I'm feeling fine, though a tad tired.

I'm finally getting around to exploring Regular Expressions (RegEx) and coming to realize the value of the beast and the simplicity of the design. I picked the brain of my friend and mentor, Brent Ashley today and he showed me the RegEx Coach and introduced me to some of the logic. I found more in my O'Reilly book, "JavaScript: The Definative Guide" (I have the 3rd edition) tonight and I can say one thing about RegEx.

LEARN IT! Come to understand it and you'll be SO far ahead of the game. It is far from being the ONLY thing you need to know, but it will make you that much better at doing things the right way.

Now, I also asked Brent to do a code an informal code-review on a little VBScript thing I was working on. Frankly, it wasn't going well because I was just a little more rusty that I enjoy being, but I asked for the review to get an idea of where I need to improve. I found out.

It's tough to hear that you're not an ace, but you NEED to hear it. Efficiency is everything in development and my design was weak. There's much more I need to learn, but his manner of showing me where I can improve was skillful and conscientious.

There is no individual ownership when you are part of a team, it's the sum of the parts that makes you the RESILIENT team you need to be.